Category: June Weather

June weather in Durham UK

June Means 1991-2020

Mean Max: 18.0 degC | Mean Min: 9.3 degC | Mean: 13.7 degC | Air Frosts: 0.0 days | Sunshine: 167.1 hrs | Rainfall: 61.0 mm | Days rain: 9.9 days

picture of flooding as River Browney bursts it’s banks in Croxdale, June 2012

Flooding at Croxdale near Durham, June 2012

Flooding at Croxdale, near Durham in the phenomenally wet summer of 2012. The River Browney, a tributary of the Wear, snakes past the hotel and is prone to flooding. Flood prevention here has stopped things getting as bad as previous years. The hotel has been flooded out on many occasions

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