Category: August Weather

August Weather in Durham UK

August Means 1991-2020

Mean Max: 19.9 degC | Mean Min: 11.3 degC | Mean: 15.6 degC | Air Frosts: 0.0 days | Sunshine: 167.3 hrs | Rainfall: 66.5 mm | Days rain: 10.3 days

August 2020 Weather in Durham : Good start, poor end

Durham Weather : August 2020 The weather in Durham in August 2020 was disappointing overall after starting out really well. It was typical of the summer really. There were no long settled spells as such at Durham, although some very warm weather was experienced in the south of the country,

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Durham Weather August 2019 Rainfall Summary

August 2019 Weather in Durham – The Wet Summer Continues

After June and July gave us above average rainfall, August continued with the theme. There were brief spells of real warmth, but no real sustained anticyclonic spells. Thunderstorms were quite frequent in the disturbed weather patterns which came mainly from the Atlantic. We were on the North side of the

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