June 2024 Weather – Cold first half, warmer later

The month started very poorly indeed by recent standards, with a severe hang over from the 2nd half of May 2024. The temperatures were very disappointing, with only the 2nd and 3rd crawling past the 20 degC mark in the first half of the month. The minima were also very much on the low side, with chilly nights after the balmy ones experienced in May 2024. The average for the first 15 days of June was 12.4 degC. At one point it was feared that June was going to be colder than May.

When compared to June 2023, the temperatures were way down.

It also rained on 10 of the first 15 days. The quantities weren’t large, but the feeling was of damp, cool, cloudy  weather.

After mid month, things began to improve and by 20th/21st the temperature had climbed to the mid-20s Celsius. The mean had climbed by nearly a degree to 13.3 degC. The forecast was good for the last 10 days, with a mean of around 16 degC, indicating an eventual finish of around 14 degC (nearly spot on the average for June).

This came to fruition, with more appropriate summer weather arriving. It was very hot in the sun. We got to 20 degC on 13 days by the end of the month; a reasonable recovery. There was a decent dry spell too in the second half of the month, although i’m suspicious about the rain gauge readings. I’ll investigate.

On the whole though, June 2024 was poor. On the CET (Central England Temperature Series), June 2024 was the first month below the 1961-90 average since December 2022. It also means that June 2024 will be colder than the previous May (record warmth), which hasn’t happened since 1833.

Stats for June 2024 in Durham

Mean Temp : 14.5 degC (+0.8)

Mean Max : 19.4 degC (+1.4)

Mean Min : 10.7 9degC (+1.4)

Abs Max : 26.6 degC on 24th

Abs Min : 6.4 on 13th

Days over 20degC : 13

Rainfall : 26.0 mm (-34.0)

Days with Rain : 13

Average Wet Day Rainfall : 2.0 mm

Wettest Day : 5.8 mm on 10th

See: June 2024 at Durham University

(Visited 17 times)