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November 2019 Weather in Durham – Wet, Dull and Pretty Dreadful

Cold, Wet and Cheerless Once again I have poor weather to report for this month in Durham. Particularly, high rainfall totals again and an incredible dullness that depressed. I know that November is sometimes a cheerless month, but this one has been really rubbish. The weather has also been cold,

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picture of the Frozen River Wear December 2010

Freezing Decembers – They really are very rare in the UK

When December 2010 came along and hit us square between the eyes, it was a complete shock to the system. There had been no below freezing December in the UK (average below 0.0 degC) since 1890. That’s 120 years. These are temperatures from the CET series (Central England Temperature). The

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Winter Chills : The Great Winters of 1947 and 1963 in the UK

This is archived content that used to be on the Met Office website, but isn’t anymore so I decided to resurrect it for posterity, adding my own comments and adaptions. It’s a page to refer to when people talk about the harsh winters of 1946-47 and 1962-63, the two UK

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Davis Instruments Vantage Vue 6250 Review

Description of the Davis Instruments Vantage Vue 6250 Weather Station. The new Davis Vantage Vue weather station combines Davis’ legendary accuracy and rugged durability into a compact station. It’s very easy to set up and use (see the video below). The Davis Vantage Vue includes a sleek but tough outdoor

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