2014 Yearly Weather Summary in Durham

For the year as a whole, only August experienced below-average temperatures and overall 2014 was the warmest year in Durham since records began in 1850. Indeed, if the 2014 average temperature (10.07°C) is expressed to two decimal places, this was the first time that the annual average has exceeded 10°C at Durham; the previous records holders (2004, 2011) both averaged 9.96°C. Of the ten warmest years at Durham, eight have been since 2000; 1990 and 1949 are the only exceptions. The mean maximum temperature (13.5°C) was the 12th highest since 1900 whilst the mean minimum temperature (6.6°C) was the highest on record. The absolute minimum for the year (-3.3°C; 24th March) is the highest absolute minimum since available records begin in 1962. There were only 65 ground frosts, the second lowest total on record. Following two very wet years, 2014 was the driest since the very dry year of 2011. The annual total fell for hours of bright sunshine and was below average.

Professor Tim Burt
Department of Geography
Durham University

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