2012 Yearly Weather Summary in Durham
In summary, as noted at some length, 2012 was easily the wettest year on record at Durham since records began in 1850. The total of 1033mm is remarkable, more than 100mm larger than the previous record in 1872 (914.9mm). In statistical terms, the probability of an annual total this large is something less than 1 in 10,000 – so perhaps the wettest year since the last Ice Age! Curiously there were 4 fewer rain days (183) than normal. In terms of temperature, it was above average (8.92°C), ranking 127th out of 163 years. Not surprisingly, it was disappointing year for sunshine, ranking only 34th since 1882, yet there were slightly more ground frosts than normal. However, the main memory will be of a remarkably wet end to a year that started with a winter drought!
Professor Tim Burt
Department of Geography
Durham University