March 2024 Weather at Durham – Mild but damp

March 2024

The month was very much on the mild side, with little in the way of air frost (1 day). The maximum temperatures were disappointing, getting nowhere near the 20 degC mark that is always within reach in March. However March 2024 was 1.3C warmer than March 2023.

The reason the month felt so damp was that the rainfall total of 50.6mm fell on 26 days. This made it feel like there were no dry spells of weather. This perception was correct. In fact the only two consecutive rainless days were the 18th and 19th.

Overall, the 6 months ending in March 2024 have experienced rain on 75% of the days, with only very short breaks from the wetness. This is a pretty insidious sequence, and one that must break to give a chance of a decent summer.

See: March 2024 at Durham University 

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