September 2023 in Durham – Very Warm

As so often happens, the weather completely changes in September.

The first 10 days in September 2023 averaged 18.5 degC. That would be judged as excellent for a summer month. It was in fact a record breaking heatwave and the highest temperature of the year was recorded during it. This is the first time this has happened since 1962. The 7th September 2023 was the warmest day mean for September on the CET series (23.3C). The 9th September 2023 was the 2nd warmest (22.8C). These were the hottest September days since 1906. The 7th-9th September 2023 was in the top 5 warmest September days.

It was also totally dry until a thundery breakdown on 10th. Some spectacular displays of lightning were seen, although Durham missed the worst of the rain, which resulted in flash flooding in some places.

The weather then became much more seasonal until the end of the month and the mean temperature plummeted. The last few days brought Storm Agnes. which was the first named storm of the season. It was however still one of the warmest Septembers on record overall.

The month’s highest temperature of 28.6degC was reached on the 9th September, this also being the maximum for the whole 2023 summer. It is unusual for this to happen, but it is not unheard of in Durham.

The first 10 days

Mean Temp : 18.5 degC
Max Temp : 28.6 degC
Min Temp : 10.8 degC
Rainfall : 6.3 mm

The rest of the month

Mean Temp : 13.7 degC
Max Temp : 21.7 degC
Min Temp : 7.4 degC
Rainfall : 46.1 mm

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